Registration is now open for young golfers interested in Golf House’s Drive, Chip and Putt competitions.
The competition allows young golfers to showcase their skills in three primary areas of the game: driving, chipping and putting. Points are accumulated per shot at each skill. The overall champion in each division is the contestant who finishes with the most points accumulated between all three skills.
In order to make the national finals, participants must compete in a local, sub-regional and regional qualifier. If the participant advances through three qualifiers, they will then advance to the national finals at the prestigious Augusta National Golf Club, scheduled for Sunday, April 6, 2025.
Participants in Northern Kentucky will compete at the Stephen’s Center, located at 5390 Limaburg Road in Burlington. The competition is scheduled for Friday, June 7.
The regional qualifier is set for the Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville on Sunday, Sept. 15.
Participation in the Drive, Chip, and Putt is open to boys and girls ages 7 – 15. Boys and girls compete in separate divisions in four age categories: 7 – 9, 10 – 11, 12 – 13 and 14 – 15.
To register for the local qualifier, click here.
Source: Registration opens for Golf House’s Drive, Chip and Putt competition – LINK nky