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A heat sink is an area that quickly stores and releases heat caused by solar radiation. Typically hard pavement, concrete, and bare soils, these sinks can raise the local ambient temperatures significantly, and only prone to worsen as climate change progresses. Sinks will provide a new challenge to our breeding bird populations, especially those in urban and areas of intense cultivation.
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Never has there been a time when the planting of over-arching boulevard trees, the use of underground parkades (instead of surface lots), green roofs and the use of rain permeable pavements been more important. Zero tillage can also assist by providing that all-important organic cover.
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With wildlife habitats and wetlands quickly disappearing due to development and global warming, birds may now have to egress from traditional urban areas as well, creating a larger, existential crisis. Planners, developers and local governments must break with the past practices of skipping environmental assessment recommendations for the sake of easy profits, and do what is necessary for our own (ultimate) existential survival.
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Source: Protecting birds from heat sinks