The Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) recently welcomed Anna Medaris, a freelance health and lifestyle journalist based in New York City, as its new freelance health beat leader.
Medaris has 15 years of experience writing features, narratives, explainers, profiles, and news hits for publications including the Washington Post, Business Insider, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, US News & World Report, Vox, Everyday Health, Monitor on Psychology and AARP, among others.
In June 2023, Medaris transitioned to freelance full-time, which she compared to “jumping off a cliff” during her lightning talk at HJ24 in June. She knows many AHCJ members can relate to this feeling of uncertainty in an ever-changing profession. Not only does she want to help new freelancers get their footing, but she also plans to build out resources for more seasoned freelancers.
We’re excited to have Anna as AHCJ’s new freelance beat leader. With freelancers making up one-third of our professional membership, we look forward to the guidance and fresh perspective she will bring to this important beat.
Kelsey Ryan, AHCJ executive director
Medaris also serves as AHCJ’s New York City chapter lead and as a writing coach through the New York Writing Room. She’s also held positions with the Deadline Club (the Society of Professional Journalists’ New York chapter), the National Press Club and the American News Women’s Club.
Medaris has appeared as a health expert and commentator on the “TODAY Show,” “Good Morning America,” Hulu’s “Age of Influence,” and many local TV and radio stations. She’s also been named a “Top Femtech Reporter Destigmatizing Women’s Health Taboos,” and been awarded multiple training fellowships through the National Press Foundation.
Some topics Medaris is interested in covering include:
- Overlooked ways to make money as a health care freelance writer.
- Unconventional freelance setups.
- How to implement four-day workweeks.
- How to work abroad during parts of the year.
- Tips for achieving work-life balance.
- Burnout and other mental health issues related to freelancers.
When asked what she hopes members will get out of her writing, she said, “I want them to stop feeling boxed in by a competitive freelance market — and start thinking outside of the box and be empowered to create a life and career they love.”
Source: Health and lifestyle journalist Anna Medaris joins AHCJ as new freelance beat leader