Step 1: Pick a Topic: → Think about favorite topics like animals, cars, or fairies. You can also use ChatGPT for ideas. → Prompt: “I need ideas for a coloring book for kids aged 3-5. Can you give me 10 topics?”
Step 2: Come up with coloring book ideas: → Once you pick a topic, ask ChatGPT for some unique animal-themed coloring book ideas. → Prompt: “Tell me some different animal coloring book ideas.”
Step 3: Make coloring pages with DALLE: → Use DALLE to make pictures for FREE. Make some pictures with the ideas. → Each idea should have a picture with it. → (Dalle3) Prompt: Make 40 printable coloring pages. → The picture has clean lines, is for a coloring book.

Step 4: Make a good title for your book. → A catchy title is important. After you finish your book, ask ChatGPT to make a title that grabs attention. → Prompt: Suggest me 10 good titles for children’s colouring book which I will sell online.
Step 5: Describe the Book (Book description): → A good description for the back of your book is important. → After you have decided the title, ask GPT to write a good description. → Prompt: Write a good description for the children’s colouring book which I will sell online.
Step 6: Make Your Book Cover: → Designing your book cover is a breeze with DALLE. → Simply choose one of the images you have created and add some color! Below is an example of an image.

Step 7: Upload your content to Amazon KDP: → Amazon KDP is good for selling children’s books that are printed. → They usually sell well there. Amazon is really big, so a lot of people can see your book when you put it there.
Step 08: Marketing: → Think about using Amazon ads. → They are the most effective way to market your new book. → The great thing is that Amazon lets you run ads on their website for just $1 a day.