A couple of decades ago, it was unthinkable for many people to live as a freelancer, without the stability that comes with being part of a company. The rules of the game have changed and today being a freelancer is an alternative that is becoming more and more popular. How do you adapt? What do you have to take into account? We’ll tell you.
It is not the result of the new normal. But this has certainly greatly changed their behavior. freelancing, something that for many was a distant reality, arrived like opportunity to get out of the economic crisis, to change work dynamics or to dedicate themselves to doing what they like.
When it comes to numbers, these are compelling. In 2020, the population increased . By 12% in Mexico alone, according to data provided by Workana, marketplace of hiring of freelancers largest in Latin America. In addition, the same platform indicated that the registration of new users in the region increased by 42% when comparing April with the rest of the months preceding COVID-19. Now, in the case of the Aztec country, this increase reached 77%.
From the above it is clear that this way of working will continue to grow, as will the number of people interested in exploring it. However, being . It also has its aspects to consider: personal quality of life is vital in this case, since the continuity of this dynamic and the result of their deliveries will depend on the well-being of the worker.
In this regard, Workana’s 2019 report indicates that 56% of freelancers They see the management of their schedule as an advantage of this model. However, 25,9% of them highlight the disorder in schedules as a negative point that can even overwhelm their days.
What can you do to cope with this lifestyle? We share with you the following tips:
Keep your agenda organized
Procrastination is one of the greatest enemies of a worker. Just like that old adage that says that “He who embraces too much achieves little”.
It is about accepting job offers that are within your reach, without damaging your physical and emotional health, and being aware of the timing. How long does it take you to organize tasks, how long to develop them, and how long to control their quality? By answering all these questions clearly, you will be able to complete each assignment in a timely manner, without overloading yourself and obtaining the best results.
Constantly train yourself in your area of supply
In its report, Workana also stated that 73,4% of independents in Latin America take training courses through digital platforms or workspaces. e-learning and only 2,9% do so in person.
That’s ok! What is the greatest asset in these cases? Knowledge of the person being hired. Therefore, better offers and more market opportunities depend on your training. Training and keeping up to date are details that you should not neglect.
Learn to sell what you do
Talking to the public, in the public’s language, about what the public cares about: That is the mission when promoting your work, to reach those you need to reach, understanding their needs.
Knowing how to market yourself, creating a plan and offering the necessary services or products are the path to obtaining better opportunities and greater growth in markets where competition is always present. One piece of advice that is never too much is to take a good look at social networks, understand the environment and look for what will differentiate you.
Plan and organize finances
In this new work dynamic, income will no longer be biweekly nor will it include bonuses at certain times of the year. Maybe the cycles are not constant, you have to ‘stretch’ a little more resources in some cases and in others you have a larger budget.
What to do then? Create a detailed, coherent and forward-looking financial plan, in order to avoid overspending when it is not appropriate and to guarantee the necessary resources throughout the year.
Take care of communication and forms
It is essential that you establish communication and interaction channels and protocols appropriate for each client and need. This will allow you to maintain traceability of assignments, greater clarity in each task and efficiency in planning times and deliveries.
Be . It is no longer a matter of the future or the work decision of a few: it is a modality that is here to stay and that, with the freedom and autonomy it offers, also implies a series of responsibilities that you must consider according to your habits, aspirations and possibilities.
Source: Being a freelancer: five challenges for an ever-growing community