Over 42 percent of Dutch businesses that hired freelancers in 2024 expect to do so less this year, mainly due to stricter rules against false self-employment. A shortage of qualified workers is the main reason for Dutch businesses to keep hiring freelancers despite the stricter rules, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported based on a survey conducted with the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) and various employers’ organizations.
A third of Dutch companies indicated that they don’t use freelancers at all. Of those who do, 54 percent expected that the hiring of self-employed workers will remain the same this year. Over 42 percent expected a decrease, and only 3 percent expected an increase.
The main reason for employers to stop using freelancers is because the Tax Authority started enforcing stricter rules for employment relationships. This means that companies can face an extra tax if the tax office concludes that it is using freelancers for work that should be performed by permanent employees.
Over half of the companies that expect to hire fewer freelancers said this was the reason. In the construction industry, over 60 percent of companies expect to make less use of freelancers this year. Almost all cited the stricter rules as the reason.
Staff shortages are the main reason companies continue to work with freelancers despite the stricter rules (39 percent). 22 percent said they hire freelancers for their knowledge and experience on specific assignments. 12 percent said they work with freelancers to cover production peaks.
The stricter rules for self-employment have also had a major impact on freelancers. In recent months, the number of self-employed persons calling it quits increased significantly, though that increase stabilized in February, the KVK reported earlier this week.
Source: Over 42% of businesses plan to hire fewer freelancers this year