As a freelancer, stay away from the trap of creating a service that’s not needed, and focus on … [+]
Can you imagine making double your current earnings or salary by the end of this year? Let’s put this into perspective and make it even more practical. Let’s say for example, you’re currently making $70,000 a year. What steps can you take to increase your income and boost your salary or pay so that you end the year on your way to making $140,000?
Is that even possible, or is that ‘pie in the sky’ thinking?
While you should be wary of get-rich-quick schemes and websites that promise you can practically become a millionaire or make six figures overnight, there are plenty of stories on the Internet of real-life professionals just like you who took what they knew, and leveraged it to the point where they were able to make the equivalent of the salary or more and leave their jobs. These stories are proof that it is indeed possible. But what do these freelancers and side hustle professionals have in common?
3 Skills That Will Help You Make More Money In 2025
There are three skills in particular that all highly successful freelancers display, which enables them to multiply their income exponentially:
1. Customer-Centric Focus
Having a customer-centric focus means that you operate with your target client in mind at all times. Often, new freelancers make the mistake of creating a product or service that they want or that they imagine their audience needs, but they’re not actually fulfilling a genuine need. As a result, they quickly run out of business or struggle to attract clients, because they’re not intuitively listening to their customer base or the market.
Instead, take the approach of spending time researching and trying to understand your target market’s pain points. Learn about their demographics, what interests them, and their habits. Study them inside and out. This skill is what enables entrepreneurs to make the most money, because they have discovered how best to serve their audiences.
2. AI-Powered Marketing Skills
The next skill you’ll need to start doubling your income in 2025 as a freelancer is AI-powered marketing. One of the most popular use cases for generative AI in business and in the workplace is marketing and communications, according to a survey by AWS. When used correctly (ethically and with a strong human, personalized touch), AI can help you drive your outreach much further and way faster than you could do on your own.
Research the best artificial intelligence tools to help you and your freelance business grow, and to get the word out there so that you’re highly effective at marketing your skills and expertise.
You should bear in mind that even with AI making you incredibly effective at generating marketing content and strategies quickly, your entire endeavor will take time, effort, persistence, and consistency (especially if you’re only freelancing as a side hustle and not doing it full-time). But after a few months, the results will start to kick in.
3. Resourcefulness
Finally, you’ll need a good dose of resourcefulness and creativity. Resourcefulness is when you’re able to take the limited resources or assets that you have, and leverage them to achieve exponential growth and results.
Instead of wishing that you had more of this and that, procrastinating, and making excuses about what you don’t have or can’t afford, use what you already have on hand and what you already know to create something big. Try to think outside of the box instead of stopping at every perceived obstacle.
This mindset of continuous growth and stretching your current assets as far as possible is what will enable you to double your income, because instead of splashing out on spending more just because everyone else is doing it, you’re spending strategically and maximizing your resources to produce more, generating more income.
Resourcefulness is when you leverage what you already have to produce more
Resourcefulness, customer focus, and AI-powered marketing are not skills that you learn overnight. Rather, these freelancing skills are developed through repetition and practice, and through learning from and watching the habits of other freelancers who’ve made it to the pinnacles of their careers.
Source: 3 Skills To Double Your Income As A Freelancer In 2025